Health Insurance Question?   Call us at 949-331-8419 to speak to a local Health insurance agent.

Helpful hints to complete an application

To speed up the process, it is best to have the following information on hand when completing your application:

  1. Social Security Number(s) for all applicants

  2. Residential address for applicants (PO box will not be accepted)

  3. Height, age, weight and birthdate of all applicants

  4. Physician selections (if applying for HMO plans)

  5. Medical history for each applicant (including physician name, address, date(s) of treatment(s), status of treatment(s), and names and dosages of any medications

  6. A copy of the insurance card of any applicants who are currently (or were recently) covered by another health insurance policy

  7. Payment information. Credit card, Automatic checking account payment(Routing # & Account #)

    Help Available @ 949 331-8419

Contact Us
CA Lic # 0b77048
Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: by appointment

News & Links
Healthcare Reform Update Warm Up Questions
Healthcare Reform Timeline
Healthcare Subsidy
Covered CA Website
Why Your Employer May Drop Your Health-Care Plan

California health exchange rolls out coverage options

OC Register: Obamacare vs. the young

California exchange builders: Agents warming up